01 February, 2010

Blood Diamond – True political story

The film Blood Diamond was released in the year 2008. The film is based upon finding diamonds in some African nation. Various countries lodge in the nation to trace the availability of diamonds and their location. The officials use the locals to mine the diamonds. When someone tries to rob the rigged diamond, they kill them. Many of whom were killed like so. Hero Leonardo’s performance is same as superb as his previous films. In the start of the movies, a shot on an African family, whose kid loves to learn and education. A revolutionary group tries to kill all the citizens. The family that I mentioned, a son was taken by armed men to inculcate him the group of violence, the father was forced to work in mining of diamond. His finds a large pink colored diamond, which he tries to hide in some dig. The entire film is about tracing of that diamond by the hero and his African friend who buried that precious diamond. That African does not know the worth of the diamond. The climax is about whether or not the diamond is found and son of the African is rescued or not. This film really explained me about the world politics.


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